Sunday, June 26, 2011

Space Pilot 3000 (101)

1. Fry - First words after being unfrozen and seeing New New York for the first time. 'Fry: MY GOD, it's the future. My parents. My coworkers. My girlfriend. I'll never see any of them again." (Pause) "Yahoo!"'

2. Fry - After learning that the 'Happy New Year 3000' blimp was accurate. 'Fry: "Is that blimp accurate?" Leela: "Yep, It's December 31st, 2999." Fry: "MY GOD, a million years..."'

3. Fry - After seeing the ruins of Old New York. 'Fry: MY GOD, she's gone. Everyone I ever knew or cared about is gone."'

Honorable Mention
Professor Farnsworth - After learning that Fry is his uncle. 'Professor: "BY GOD, I am your nephew! This is absolutely incredible!"'

Episode Total: 3
Season Total: 3
Grand Total: 3

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